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ACCA Reschedules Solar Forum

Jan. 7, 2022

January 7, 2022 - Sources from Air Conditioning Contractors of America (ACCA) announced today that concerns related to the COVID-19 Omicron virus variant have caused the association to postpone its Solar Forum -- originally set for January 24-25 -- to November 14-15, at  the Crowne Plaza in Phoenix, Ariz.

The event was being presented by ACCA and Pearl Certification. Pearl Certification, and would have been the nation’s first-ever event to specifically address the challenges and opportunities facing HVAC contractors from the rapid adoption of solar, storage, and connected home devices.  

"While it is unfortunate that we must wait another few months to have this unique and first of its kind event, the safety of our attendees, vendors, staff, and presenters remains our top priority," ACCA said.

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