PERC E-Newsletter to Reach Warehouse Owners, Facility Managers

May 16, 2019
'The Lift' is a quarterly digest that will provide propane-related news, information and tips.

WASHINGTON (May 9, 2019) – The Propane Education & Research Council is launching a new e-newsletter for warehouse owners and facility managers interested in propane equipment for the material handling, distribution, and logistics industry. Launching in June, The Lift is a quarterly digest that will provide the latest news, information and tips designed to help propane equipment operators maximize their experience with the alternative fuel.

“We understand the fast-paced nature of the material handling, distribution, and logistics industry, so each quarter we are going to package the must-have news and information into an easy-to-consume format,” said Jeremy Wishart, PERC director of off-road business development. “Whether readers already operate propane forklifts or simply want to learn more about how propane equipment can benefit their facility, The Lift will deliver.”

Content for each issue will vary depending on what is occurring in the industry at the time, but it could include industry case studies; general safety and operational tips; new resources available from PERC; or news regarding fuel incentives and tax credits.

The first issue of The Lift is scheduled to be distributed June 11. Those interested can VISIT HERE to have The Lift delivered straight to their inbox.