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RemTec Video Explains RefrigerantReclaim Services

July 19, 2010
Expands buy-back/recovery program

Patti Ellingson, director of wholesale distribution for RemTec International, is featured in a new, concise video Q&A that highlights RemTec’s recovery/reclaim services to HVACR contractors.

RemTec International is an EPA-certified reclaimer dealing with HFCs, CFCs, HCFCs and halon. Its refrigerant department is currently focused on reclaiming R11, R12, R22, 134A for automotive industry and the 400 and 500 series. As an EPA-certified reclaimer, RemTec International provides an on-site AHRI-700 laboratory and on-site destruction capability and on-site cylinder recertification.

“RemTec has expanded its refrigerant buy-back and recovery program,” Ellingson says. “We understand the need for simplicity for customers in the HVACR and foodservice, and automotive industries, so we’ve made it simple.”

Steps include:
1. Recover the refrigerant.
2. Call RemTec and get paid.
3. RemTec picks up the refrigerant in 24 hours, and provides bookkeeping and paperwork for EPA records.

If the refrigerant is less than 95% pure, RemTec will destroy it at no charge. To view this short video describing RemTec’s services, visit http://bit.ly/remtecvideo