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Research-based Guide to Natural Refrigerants Includes North America

April 3, 2013
The guide analyzes the latest market trends and data for North America regarding the adoption of carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia, hydrocarbons, water, and air as refrigerants.

Market development company shecco has launched the latest edition in its series of free, downloadable guides — “GUIDE 2013: Natural Refrigerants: Market Growth for North America”. The guide analyzes the latest market trends and data for North America regarding the adoption of carbon dioxide (CO2), ammonia, hydrocarbons, water, and air as refrigerants.

The publication gathers input from more than 550 HVACR industry experts. Special features of the North American guide include the first ever CO2 supermarket maps for Canada and the U.S., that quantify the number of CO2 secondary, cascade, and transcritical installations.

“The guide is the result of intensive work with experts from the HVACR industry, legislators, and academics. North America presents a clear opportunity for natural refrigerant solution providers, but still remains a market of largely untapped potential. As business choices have become harder, this guide puts forward evidence that natural refrigerants are viable options for a growing share of applications, but also draws attention to the challenges lying ahead,” says Nina Masson, head of market research for shecco.
The North American guide is available at www.shecco.com.