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2016 AHR Expo: Russell MiniCon Condensing Unit

Feb. 18, 2016
R-Series Next-Gen MiniCon units feature an integral subcooling circuit that allows saturated fluid to flow from the receiver to the condenser.

During the 2016 AHR Expo, Heat Transfer Products Group — a division of Rheem — put the new Russell R-Series Next-Gen MiniCon Multi-refrigerant Air Cooled Condensing Unit front-and-center for all to see.

The impressive units are available in 1/2 to 6 HP models, and sources report they have been engineered to provide a winning combination of high quality, increased flexibility and greatly improved efficiency for lower long-term operating costs.

“Our engineering team has built-in several innovations in these new units that will greatly benefit our customers,” said Paul Westbrook, HTPG’s director of sales and marketing.

R-Series Next-Gen MiniCon units feature an integral subcooling circuit that allows saturated liquid to flow from the receiver to the condenser where the refrigerant is subcooled by ambient air. This provides an average of 3 to 5°F of subcooling for higher efficiency while assuring optimal expansion device operation. “The subcooling circuit enables the condensing units to work better, last longer and utilize less refrigerant over time,” Westbrook said.

The new models are easy to service. The units have base mounted shut-off valves for quick access from the exterior of the units, a large removable control panel door, and color-coded and numbered point-to-point wiring for easy maintenance. All-weather galvanized steel painted housing helps protect the units from the elements.

Next-Gen MiniCon Multi-refrigerant units are designed to utilize R404A or other low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerants R407A, R407C and R448A/R449A. The versatile units are available with low-cost hermetic or efficient and quite scroll compressors, extended medium range or low temperature models, with or without flooded head pressure control, and include a host of standard features and optional components.