Industrial Refrigeration Consortium Meets May 11-12

March 29, 2016
Seating is limited, so register soon!

Registration is open for the 2016 Industrial Refrigeration Consortium's Research & Technology Forum, May 11-12, 2016, in Madison, Wisc.

The Forum provides an affordable venue for learning and networking: $139 for non-IRC members, free to members.

Topics to be addressed:

  • Understanding and Verifying Compressor Safeties
  • Mechanical Integrity at 17,150 MPH, an address by a NASA official (tentative)
  • Understanding Electric Motors and Loss Mechanisms
  • Inverters for Variable Frequency Drives
  • Techniques for Testing E-Stops and Cut-outs
  • Relief Valve / Vent Monitoring
  • Compressor Vi and Energy Impacts
  • Managing Change
  • Commissioning
  • Safe Upper and Lower LImits
  • Legionella and Water Systems
  • Common Gaps in PSI: What are You Missing?