Silver Linings: Orders Surpass $1million for Axiom Energy's Refrigeration AI Software

Jan. 15, 2020
Axiom Cloud software platform leverages artificial intelligence to solve some of the largest energy and maintenance problems that challenge grocery store chains.

RICHMOND, California, Jan. 14, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Axiom Exergy sources report Axiom Energy has secured orders surpassing $ 1 million for the Axiom Cloud, a software platform that leverages artificial intelligence to solve some of the largest energy and maintenance problems that grocery chains face. Customers of the AI software include Whole Foods Market, Arcticom, Clima-Tech, as well as other North American supermarket chains and maintenance providers. The orders, which have all come within six months of launching the Axiom Cloud, include multi-site rollouts.

Axiom Energy was acquired by CoolSys in 2018: click here.

"Since we rolled out the Axiom Cloud, the response we have received from customers has been overwhelming," said Amrit Robbins, CEO of Axiom Exergy. "It's clear that there is pent-up demand for real solutions to the tough energy and maintenance problems plaguing this industry. We've been able to go from a proof of concept to significant market traction in a pretty short time period."

The lightweight Axiom Cloud platform can be quickly deployed to existing and new commercial refrigeration systems (such as those found in supermarkets, cold storage facilities, and food processing plants) to transform them into more intelligent, flexible, and resilient assets. Currently, customers can subscribe to two automated services through the Axiom Cloud platform:

  • Virtual Battery: The Axiom Cloud transforms frozen inventory into a thermal battery by predictively pre-cooling the low-temperature cases, followed by intelligent load shedding of the compressors and condensers. It provides the same benefits as an intelligent electrochemical battery (demand charge management, demand response, etc.) without the expensive hardware.
  • Virtual Technician: The Axiom Cloud leverages AI and machine learning to predict failures before they occur and autonomously improve system performance over time.

"We've been impressed with the performance of Axiom's Refrigeration Battery," said Tristam Coffin, Director of Sustainability at Whole Foods Market. "So when Axiom approached us with a proposal to provide similar benefits with just software, we were immediately interested in learning more."

Axiom Exergy initially developed the Axiom Cloud software to operate its Refrigeration Battery® solution, which adds thermal storage capacity to existing commercial refrigeration systems. The company then realized that the software had standalone value and began developing additional features that leverage the AI platform to deliver significant benefits for customers with large cooling loads.

One of the new developments that the Axiom team incorporated into their offering is the Virtual Technician service, which has generated interest from multiple refrigeration O&M providers.

"Our customer's stores generate mountains of data, and we have been increasingly interested in using it to deliver higher levels of service to our customers," said Jim Pape, CEO of The Arcticom Group. "Axiom's AI solution is of particular interest to us because it is purpose-built for the specific needs of the commercial refrigeration market."

The Axiom Cloud also allows O&M providers to decrease the costs associated with servicing refrigeration systems. Clima-Tech Refrigeration & HVAC, another provider of maintenance and installation services, is deploying the solution to its end customers with this in mind.

"Predicting system outages before they occur is the holy grail of refrigeration maintenance," said Ramez Naguib, CEO of Clima-Tech. "The Axiom Cloud solution represents a significant opportunity for us to provide better maintenance, lower our costs, and increase the efficiency of the systems we service."

Axiom Exergy has already begun operating the Axiom Cloud at many of the contracted sites and has begun planning for additional deployments in 2020.

"The more sites we install, the smarter our algorithms are going to be and the more value we can provide to our customers," said Amrit. "This is an exciting time for Axiom."

About Axiom Exergy

Axiom Exergy uses Artificial Intelligence to transform the world's thermal systems into intelligent, flexible, and resilient assets. Our mission is to create a more sustainable future by improving the way that the world's cooling systems interact with the power grid and the atmosphere.