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IIAR Virtual Conference Approaches

May 13, 2020
This online event will help participants gain new skills needed to enhance their knowledge of the industry.

The International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR) will convene its Natural Refrigeration Online Conference & Virtual Expo from May 18 to June 5, 2020..  

This online event will help participants gain new skills needed to enhance their knowledge of the industry, participate in real-time Q&A with experts during online sessions; earn PDH credits for participation in online technical sessions; and see and hear about the latest innovations in equipment and services from natural refrigeration vendors in a one-stop shop online venue.

Among the topics that will be explored:
Transcritical CO2 and Ammonia: Energy Efficiency and Basic Capital Cost Comparisons
Managing Change
CFD Simulation of NH3 Release and Detectoin
Keeping Confined Space Entry Safe

and many more.

 CLICK HERE for full information.