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Let’s Talk About Flammability Risks and A2Ls

Nov. 8, 2022
Not all low-GWP refrigerants have the same safety risk profile. Learn more...

You’ve likely been reading more these days about Hyrdofluorolefin (HFOs), the next generation low-GWP refrigerant solution. As with any new technology, there will always be several important aspects to consider and the topic of flammability has received a lot of attention related to A2L refrigerants.

Here are a few key facts to understand about HFOs:

  • There are several parameters that determine flammability including minimum ignition energy and flame velocity.
  • Flame propagation and accidental ignition are less likely to occur with A2Ls than A3s. 
  • A2Ls are less likely to form flammable concentrations: another reason why they are inherently safer than A3s. 

Learn more in this brief video that covers flammability factors in low-GWP refrigerants.

You can learn even more in this webinar Ride the Refrigerant Webinar.

Contact our refrigeration team at Chemours TM regarding your flammability questions.

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