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RSES Thanks Educational Foundation Supporters

July 13, 2023
Support for four key educational funds is appreciated.
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The Refrigeration Service Engineers Society (RSES) Educational Foundation plays an important role in how RSES delivers on its mission to advance the education and skills of practicing HVACR professionals in the industry. The RSES Educational Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, was established in 1983 and is responsible for developing many of the Society's training materials and programs.  

RSES reports that, over the years, the Foundation's scope and significance to the Society has expanded. In keeping with the RSES mission of ensuring that HVACR technicians attain the highest possible levels of training and professionalism, the RSES Educational Foundation administers the Environmental Protection Agency’s Technician Certification Program, and also offers award programs designed to help RSES members achieve their goals. Funds established within the Foundation include:

  • R.W. Kellow Fund—The purpose of the R.W. Kellow Center of Learning is to provide quality continuing education programs for all technicians within the HVACR industry and is responsible for originating our e-learning program.
  • H.T. McDermott Fund — The primary objective of this fund is to develop and encourage leadership within and for RSES by providing training programs for the proper conducting of chapter, educational, and business meetings.
  • Wayburn Wilson Memorial Fund— This award is to honor those RSES members that have successfully attained five (5) certificate member specialist classifications. Many people have already been recognized for this prestigious achievement.
  • Foundation General Fund — Foundation General Fund The Foundation General Fund is the primary operating fund which supports general training and education for individuals in HVACR.

Under the Educational Foundation’s program, RSES and its Members have gained the support of a strong group of industry leaders, from major equipment manufacturers to educational institutions to contracting firms of all sizes. RSES and the RSES Educational Foundation would like to thank these recent contributors to the following listed funds:

  • Douglas Campbell, Chapter at Large, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • John Canella, Garden State Chapter, McDermott Fund
  • Steven Clunk, Chapter at Large, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Mark Conklin, Chapter at Large, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Michael Dilullo, Delaware Valley Chapter, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Pavel Getejanc, CM, Greater Detroit Chapter, Kellow Fund
  • David Jendrick, Granite State Chapter, McDermott Fund
  • John Kovalo, CM, Columbus Chapter, Kellow Fund
  • Michael McNeese, CM, Middle Tennessee Chapter, McDermott Fund
  • Timothy Meyers, CMS, Central New York Chapter, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Philip Miller, Niagara Frontier Chapter, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Charles Piazza, CM, Chapter at Large, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Paul Renaud, Chapter at Large, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Stephen Renner, Atlanta Chapter, Kellow & McDermott Funds
  • Steven M. Wellander, CMS, Long Beach Chapter, McDermott Fund 

Members and nonmembers can support the RSES Educational Foundation by sending donations or contributions to the RSES Educational Foundation at PO Box 248, Arlington Heights, IL 60006-0248, or by visiting https://bit.ly/RSESEduFoundDonation. Donations to the RSES Educational Foundation are tax-deductible. For more information, visit www.rses.org, email [email protected] or call 800-297-5660.