Options for Refrigeration System Retrofits and Remodels

April 21, 2021
These retrofit and remodel options will help your commercial refrigeration customers meet specific sustainability goals.

Over the past decade, alternative refrigerants have emerged that offer varying degrees of GWP reduction. But among those readily available options that are considered both safe and approved for use, several have emerged which represent distinct approaches to sustainability: low-, lower- and lowest-GWP.

Based on this three-tiered approach to refrigerant sustainability, consider the following retrofit and remodel options to meet your specific sustainability goals.

Distributed mini-rack systems feature Copeland scroll compressors and E2 or Site Supervisor refrigeration and facility management controls for reliable performance and optimized refrigeration system management.


About the Author

André Patenaude

André Patenaude is Director, Food Retail Marketing & Growth Strategy, Cold Chain for Emerson Commercial & Residential Solutions.