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Emerson scholarship recipients

Emerson Awards Helix Innovation Scholarships to Students from University of Dayton

Dec. 19, 2018
$50,000 in scholarships awarded to students in engineering, business and the arts

Dayton, Ohio, December 18, 2018 – Emerson (NYSE: EMR) today announced the recipients of The Helix Innovation Scholarships at the University of Dayton. The students were recognized at an event at The Helix Innovation Center on the University of Dayton campus in November.

Five University of Dayton students from the schools of engineering, business administration and arts and sciences were each awarded $10,000 from Emerson. The scholarships were presented to students in engineering, business and the arts who are interested in innovation and creative problem-solving.

Emerson will assign each scholarship recipient a mentor at The Helix to help further their interest in innovation.

“These students will become part of our collaboration community. Working closely with the University of Dayton is an important part of our mission at The Helix, and we are excited to get the perspective of students from majors outside our traditional engineering path,” said Rajan Rajendran, vice president of system innovation and sustainability for Emerson’s Commercial & Residential Solutions business.

The Helix Innovation 2018 Scholarships were awarded to the following University of Dayton students:

Dejuan A. Marion             Computer Engineering                   2nd year                 Bedford, OH

Christian Cubacub            Computer Engineering                  3rd year                 Honolulu, HI

Vivian M. Mota                 Mechanical Engineering                2nd year                 Melrose Park, IL

Lauren J. Declark              Psychology                                  4th year                 Toledo, OH

Anthony Zinkhon              Marketing                                      4th year                  Medway, OH

For more information, visit www.Emerson.com.