Business Intelligence Equals Higher Performance

Jan. 4, 2013
The education of employees on the economics of the HVAC industry, the functioning of your business, and how their department and activities fit into the big picture allows employees to be connected to your business goals.

The big picture is important to everyone’s success — and having your employees understand how your company operates on all levels will promote that growth you so crave.

How do we accomplish this? It starts with a company culture change. Here’s how we get there:

1. Hold a monthly company meeting to discuss how the company is performing. This time can also be used to recognize employees who have done an outstanding job!

2. Hold weekly departmental meetings to discuss how the department is performing against their goals for the week and the month.

3. Have a daily ready meeting with each employee. The supervisor should review the performance from yesterday and preview today’s performance. This gives the employee the opportunity to discuss three ups (what is going well) and the three downs (what needs improvement).

4. Once a quarter have the employee exposed to some form of economic education. This allows the employee to understand the working of business and how they affect the company’s results.

5. Finally, once a year, have all employees play the “Penney Game”.

6. The game allows the employee to gain a full understanding of how your company operates. It shows how much money goes to sales, administrative, and general expenses thus getting the employee to understand the large investment that business owners make.

The education of employees on the economics of the HVAC industry, the functioning of your business, and how their department and activities fit into the big picture allows employees to be connected to your business goals. The alignment results in better employees, better business results, and long-term success.

Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, an HVAC industry expert in sales, technical, and business training. Visit Mike’s blog for more insights. Mike can be reached on Twitter @hvaclearning or on Google+ at