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The Silver Bullet For Success

March 27, 2013
Businesses are always looking for the 'next big thing' that will help them be successful and accomplish goals. Constantly changing direction may cause the business to suffer because of the constant policy changes. What's the secret to finding a silver bullet and not having your business lose its stability?

So many HVAC businesses are looking for the silver bullet that allows them to accomplish their business goals and achieve great success. This searching has the business and its employees chasing whatever new fad comes along, hoping to find the next great solution. As a result, the business suffers from a lack of consistency, wild swings in policy decisions, and directionless employees.

What’s the solution to this instability? How does a leader keep this from happening?

Operational Accountability

Both owners and employees should be involved in dramatically improving the company’s results. A business owner is always able to compare the business’ metrics to industry Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). This allows the owner to prioritize areas to focus on in improving performance.

Employees should be just as involved and invested. Department heads are encouraged to hold weekly small huddles with their employees. During these huddles, everyone examines current performance, discusses ways to improve, and agrees upon the course of action. The owner or general manager should hold a monthly or biweekly meeting with the entire company. This provides opportunities for recognition of employees, communication of departmental and company-wide results, and reviewing how the company is providing value to customers.

Dominance by Distinction

Customers should be contacted a minimum of 6 to 8 times per year. Aspects of this contact schedule include the selling of maintenance agreements, (which entails two preventive maintenance trips to the consumer’s home), the development of an effective company website, and the execution of a robust social media strategy, driven by employees who represent the professionalism of the company.

It should go without saying that it’s absolutely necessary to set your company apart from the competition. Everyone in the organization, from customer service reps, installers, technicians, and managers, should understand and work by the philosophy of the company. Everyone should understand that the customer is top priority, and that employee indifference is not tolerated. This dedication will present a united front to the customer, driving distinction and a reputation for superior service.

Ultimately, there is no “silver bullet.” True success is accomplished by hard work, the implementation of solid processes, and the execution of the HVAC business model. I encourage everyone to look deeper into both of these concepts, and adopt them for the benefit of your company.

Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, an HVAC industry expert in sales, technical, and business training. Visit Mike’s blog for more insights. Mike can be reached on Twitter @hvaclearning or on Google+ at