In today’s business environment, your organization needs a competitive edge that will allow you to sustain an advantage in the marketplace. Every level of the company — leadership, middle management, and frontline employees — must actively be engaged to achieve maximum performance. The company needs an open environment with the capability to harness new technology and the ability to react quickly to customer demands.
In order to create and sustain a customer-focused, cutting edge organization, leaders must be teachers. This role can be performed, and this winning strategy achieved, in the following ways.
- Leaders are great storytellers: Storytelling must be relevant, timely, and memorable. This way, leaders teach by relaying their experiences to their followers, making them more human to the employees.
- Leaders promote dialogue: Discussion between managers, co-workers, and the frontline employees should be a dialogue instead of a monologue. The creation of dialogue allows for a fruitful teaching and learning experience.
- Leaders develop future leaders: The process of teaching employees must include stretching their comfort zone, exposing them to growth opportunities, and testing their critical thinking. This will result in a full bench of developed leaders.
- Leaders foster a learning environment: Technology is always changing, which means that the competition is always evolving. Therefore, the consumer is becoming savvier, and leaders must ensure that the company has a learning environment. This will guarantee that the organization remains both prominent and relevant.
It's critical that leaders can teach in today’s environment. Leaders are constantly learning from the people around them, challenging employees to improve, and are students of their profession. Their ability to teach enables the company to flourish and compete in today’s economy.
Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, HVAC industry experts in sales, technical, and