
Product Showcase Award: Training by National Comfort Institute

Sept. 21, 2015
• Discover and repair hidden energy-draining comfort system defects other companies miss every time. • Reduce call backs and increase customer satisfaction • Guarantee results using NCI’s exclusive System Delivered BTU technology.

At HVAC Comfortech 2014, 13 products and services were recognized as Product Showcase Award winners.  This month, we’re featuring  National Comfort Institute, the winner in the training category. For more information on any of the products listed here, circle the appropriate number(s) on the reader service card at the back of this issue or


Set Your HVAC Service Company Apart, with a Focus on Air Balancing
National Comfort Institute reports an estimated 50 percent of new HVAC equipment installations result in little or no energy saved, and even more end up with unresolved comfort issues.

NCI offers Advanced Residential HVAC Education & Training, in an all-new format. This training program provides the keys to delivering true system performance, leading to enhanced comfort, safety and energy  efficiency for your customers, plus greater revenues and profitability.

NCI’s all-new two- and three-day HVAC System and Air Balancing certification classes are designed to provide the right training for all your field personnel, including service technicians, installers and salespeople.

Residential HVAC System Performance is a two-day certification class that will help your field people learn how to:
• discover and repair hidden energy-draining comfort system defects other companies miss every time.
• reduce call backs and increase customer satisfaction
• guarantee results using NCI’s exclusive System Delivered BTU technology.

The Residential Air Balancing class is an additional day of training and certification. Increasing numbers of HVAC and energy professionals are discovering the importance of testing and balancing their installations for maximum system comfort and efficiency. To enroll, call 800-633-7058.