
Recruiting Dos and Don'ts

Oct. 12, 2015
You need to have an executional strategy for recruiting quality candidates. Recruiting is an action everyone in the organization should be involved in.

A question I get asked frequently in regards to pent-up demand is where and how to find new employees. The answer is two fold. It requires a good understanding of recruiting and how to effectively recruit for the HVAC industry.

To first understand recruiting, you have to know what it is — and most importantly what it isn’t.
Recruiting …

  • Is not selection; the two have very different functions.
  • Is not a one-time event; it is always occurring.
  • Is not just management’s responsibility; it is an action everyone in the organization should be
    involved in.
  • Is not something to take lightly; it is and should be treated as the lifeblood of your business.

Next, you need to have an executional strategy for recruiting quality candidates. A proven and unique
method I find to be fruitful is hosting a career fair. Here are five secrets to success:

  • Pick the right day — Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursday are the best days to hold a career day.
    I personally prefer Thursdays. 
  • Place an ad — Announce the career day in your local print publication and include a phone number for applicants to set up an interview time. Don’t forget to also promote your ad on social media.
  • Keep a list — When applicants call to book a time, be sure to keep a list of people who plan on
    attending and do not exceed more than 20 people per company team member working the event.  
  • Utilize a script — On career day, cover who you are, what you do, and company requirements,
    then explain company and employee commitments as a group. Follow up with a 15-minute break
    and then begin individual interviews.
  • Follow-up — Send each applicant a thank you letter and a promotional offering from your company
    and set up potential new employees for appropriate hiring processes like background checks, etc.

This tried-and-true recruiting method is best executed by three or more company team members,
and is a great timesaving tool in the search for your next superstar employee.

Mike Moore offers HVAC advice for managers, technicians, and sales teams daily on Facebook Twitter, and a  blog. Follow Mike and stay in the know.

About the Author

Mike Moore | HVAC Training Director

Mike Moore is the HVAC Training Director at HVAC Learning Solutions, HVAC industry experts in sales, technical, and business training. Visit Mike’s blog for more insights. Mike can be reached on Twitter @hvaclearning or on Google+ at