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Shut. Up. — And Other Sales Resolutions

Jan. 6, 2017
How do you know when you’ve said enough? Try to close. If they buy, you’ve said enough.

Here is a list of my suggestions on resolutions you can make to improve your sales in any year.

See How Little You Can Say, and Still Make the Sale
We talk ourselves out of more sales than we talk ourselves into. As a rule, the less you say, the more you’ll sell. You don’t talk people into buying, you listen them into buying. You were given two ears and one mouth. Use them in that proportion.

How do you know when you’ve said enough? Try to close. If they buy, you’ve said enough. If they don’t buy, you haven’t. Provide a little more information. When you start getting positive feedback, give them another opportunity to buy. If they don’t buy yet, give them more information.

This is how you make multiple closes without getting on people’s nerves. If all you try is a new closing technique, you could come off as high pressure. When you provide new information and get positive feedback, you can actually say, “Based on this new information, is this something you’d like to go ahead with?”

Learn All You Can About Salesmanship
With the current economic crunch, your salesmanship has got to be in peak condition, and it can be. All it requires is a commitment on your part and a little conditioning. Commit to making 2017 your best year in sales ever.

The most efficient way for you to study salesmanship is to listen to sales training while you’re driving between calls. It keeps you fresh and focused.

  • When you study salesmanship between calls, you’ll see increases in both your closing ratio and the dollar amount of your average sale.
  • When you increase your closing ratio, you increase your efficiency. Getting fewer turndowns increases your self-confidence, and confidence sells.
  • When you listen to sales training between calls, you’re always learning new techniques, which keeps the job fresh and interesting.

Use Customer Files to Generate More Replacement Sales
You’ve got thousands of files of customers with older equipment that you know has been giving them trouble. When calls are light, go through those files, pick out a few people, call them up and see if they’re interested in getting rid of their problems and start saving money. You’ll be surprised how many people will buy.

You can read about the procedure online by visiting my website (, and clicking on the link near the bottom of the page that reads, “The Lazy Man’s Way to Increase Replacement Sales.”

Keep a Sales Log
The first of the year is the perfect time to start keeping a log of your calls.
You can do it digitally, but I still like what I call the “emotional experience” of writing everything by hand in an old-fashioned weekly planner where two pages take up a full week.

As you run calls, write down the customers’ name, address, phone number, what products you recommended, and the dollar amount.  Indicate whether or not they bought by circling the dollar amount.

In the top margin, above each day, write the daily total, the week-to-date total and the month-to-date total.  In the lower, far right corner, write the year-to-date total.

When  I started keeping a better awareness of my sales figures, my sales instantly went up, and they continued to rise. It doesn’t take long for you to establish the dollar amount of your average sale. Once that’s established, you can hardly bring yourself to quote a job for a dollar amount that is lower than your average sale, because if you sell it, you’ll be bringing your own average down.
I explain how I use a weekly planner in the first video of “Tec Daddy’s Service Technician Survival School on DVD”. You can watch it here:

Follow Up on Every Call
Don’t believe it when people tell you that if you don’t sell it on the first call, you haven’t got a chance. You do if you made a favorable impression. Always follow up. Schedule the follow-up in your appointment book.

Always send a “thank you” card to every prospect, whether they bought from you or not. Write a personal note inside of it and drop it into a mailbox immediately after leaving the call. It’s really impressive when they receive it on the day after your appointment. 

CHARLIE GREER has developed a weekly planner designed specifically for HVAC salespeople and service technicians called the “Official Tec Daddy Planner”. It’s designed to help track your progress in hitting your sales goals, and it’s full of Charlie Greer sales tips. For information on Charlie’s products and sales training, go to or call 1-800-963-HVAC (4822).  Email Charlie at [email protected]