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Lend an Ear -- and Your Voice -- to Our Podcasts

Aug. 4, 2023
We want to interview HVACR contractors willing to share news about recent success stories and offer advice to their peers.

It’s no stretch to suggest that the majority of smart phone users have listened to at least one podcast in the past year. Podcasts have exploded in every corner of the phone galaxy, with something for everyone, and the heating, air conditioning and refrigeration industry audience is no exception.

Contracting Business is now producing podcasts, and we’re doing our best to make them a regular feature on ContractingBusiness.com. We call them HVAC Chats.

To date I’ve interviewed three successful HVAC contractors -- Jon Ryan, Kurt Hudson and Ken Goodrich -- Barton James, CEO of Air Conditioning Contractors of America, and have provided reviews of articles appearing in Contracting Business. 

Visit www.contractingbusiness.com and look for this podcast section on the first page:

We've also started an excellent podcast series sponsored by Chemours, related to the HFC refrigerant phase down.

But a podcast can’t go forward without people to interview. That’s where you, the HVACR contractor comes in. Understanding that the average day of a successful heating and air conditioning or refrigeration contractor is jammed packed, I’d like to request that a few of you out there will offer to be interviewed for a podcast in the coming months. No charge!

If you agree, we’d schedule a short amount of time to talk about a topic. We’re looking for HVACR contractors who are willing to share how they’ve been successful in an aspect of their HVACR business. This can be customer service, installation, financial planning, use of new technologies, staffing, or recruiting and training. You won’t be asked to divulge anything you prefer to remain confidential. Then, we’ll set a time to conduct the interview.

We will ask you to use a voice memo app to record your side of the conversation and email me the completed voice file. Then our team edits and joins the two voice tracks together to make podcast magic.

The ultimate goal is to help contractors across the land with ideas they can use. To discuss your participation, please call me at 216-346-8978 or email me at [email protected].

About the Author

Terry McIver | Content Director - CB

A career publishing professional, Terence 'Terry' McIver has served three diverse industry publications in varying degrees of responsibility since 1987, and worked in marketing communications for a major U.S. corporation.He joined the staff of Contracting Business magazine in April 2005.

As director of content for Contracting Business, he produces daily content and feature articles for CB's 38,000 print subscribers and many more Internet visitors. He has written hundreds, if not two or three, pieces of news, features and contractor profile articles for CB's audience of quality HVACR contractors. He can also be found covering HVACR industry events or visiting with manufacturers and contractors. He also has significant experience in trade show planning.