The Bosch Experience Center at Serenbe Grand Opening

June 7, 2013
In late May, 2013, Bosch held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to officially open its Experience Center in Serenbe, a sustainable community development located south of Atlanta.

Bosch senior management were joined by U.S. Congressman David Scott of the 13th District, a representative of Georgia Governor Nathan Deal’s administration, along with Serenbe developer Steve Nygren in the grand opening of the Bosch Experience Center. Congressman Scott lauded Bosch for its commitment to the environment and Serenbe for promoting an eco-conscious, sustainable lifestyle. On behalf of Governor Deal, Gretchen Corbin, deputy commissioner, Georgia Department of Economic Development, cited Bosch as a good corporate citizen and a welcome presence at Serenbe. You can read the entire story of the Boasch Experience by clicking here.