Be a Service Superhero!

April 15, 2011
Faster than a speeding dispatch call? More powerful than a 23 SEER system? Whatever your service super power might be, know that you're a hero in the eyes of every customer — from the oldest, to the new 'orphan' who calls about no heat. Even though you ...

Faster than a speeding dispatch call? More powerful than a 23 SEER system? Whatever your service super power might be, know that you're a hero in the eyes of every customer — from the oldest, to the new 'orphan' who calls about no heat. Even though you can't literally leap homes or tall buildings, when you receive a call from a customer in need, they're hoping you can do something similar, in more down-to-earth terms.

It's been a tough slog for the HVACR industry. But it's gratifying to find stories — literally, each and every day — of HVACR business owners who are successful and prospering.

It's because they're winners. They're action-oriented business owners who stuck their finger in the air and noticed that the wind was shifting . . . although, I know, it was pretty obvious after awhile. But, the fact remains, they didn't stand still.

They adapted, got leaner if necessary (but hopefully, will restore themselves to full employment numbers). They became smarter time managers, and squeezed every penny from a service call. They improved customer relations, and bought smarter from an inventory/vendor point of view.

We saw many of these contractors at HVAC Comfortech/HVACR Week 2010. Contractors flocked to the show in Baltimore to learn, learn, learn. They want bullets to bounce off those P&L statements. They want to continue to rank high on local service surveys. They want to be leaders in the various HVAC associations, such as ACCA or MSCA.

We expect to see more of the same from information hungry contractors at the next HVAC Comfortech/HVACR Week, in Indianapolis, Sept. 21-23; (By the way, will you be there?)

The articles assembled for this year's Focus on Service will be helpful. Check them out at: