Are You a Pig?

Oct. 31, 2012
The genteel Chris Matthews — resident hothead on MSNBC — has referred to those who deny global warming and work against GW legislation, as "pigs." It happened during the broadcast of his show, "Hardball," Tuesday night, Oct.30. I found the news on ...

The genteel Chris Matthews — resident hothead on MSNBC — has referred to those who deny global warming and work against GW legislation, as "pigs." It happened during the broadcast of his show, "Hardball," Tuesday night, Oct.30. I found the news on Twitter, as most probably did, since MSNBC viewership is very low. Were it not for the Internet, the goings on over there would be totally unknown. "If an intolerant person gets hot under the collar and insults people who aren't there who might punch him in the nose, and nobody's there to hear it, does he make a sound?"

This illustrates my and others' main complaint about serious, give-no-quarter global warming advocates: they refuse to respect any opposing viewpoint, in spite of the science they present to the contrary. Agree with them, or you're a pig.

Matthews's GW segment was related to coverage of Hurricane Sandy. Matthews, the great Al Gore, and other GW proponents are now using the hurricane as still more proof of man-made warming. No, I don't know to what they attribute hurricanes from past centuries. Joining Mr. "Thrill Up My Leg" was a Democrat congressman, and Professor Michael Oppenheimer. Oppenheimer said he didn't want to call names, but Matthews said he didn't mind doing so.

Included in Matthew's verbal assault were the evil Koch brothers oil and gas businessmen (BILLIONAIRES!), who contribute large amounts of money (GASP!) to Republican candidates, including our next president, Mitt Romney. I'm very relieved that no Democrat has accepted money from a billionaire, like that penny-pinching George Soros.

With this attitude, the other side to the global warming debate will never be given a fair hearing.

HAVE YOU EVER TRIED to have a reasonable conversation with someone who believes strongly in global warming? How did it go? Let me know, when you "got a minute."