2020 To 2021 5fc904a7894bf

A Year About People (Who Need People)

Dec. 3, 2020
Whether you agree or disagree with much of what the citizenry has had to do in response to the pandemic, we can agree that each of us, apart from rules and regulations, can make a difference in the life of another.

This column is undergirded by a prayer that the many life changes and troubles related to the COVID pandemic will soon become just a dark page in the history of the world. There will be many books to come for many years, some by authors who will place blame, and some by authors who will tell us how to avoid a repeat of 2020.  I’m sure the ink is already drying on some of those books, and you will see them soon.

The bitter presidential campaign was an amazingly parallel saga involving a totally different type of battle, but one that was  also marked by sharply differing opinions, charges and counter-charges, lies and slanders, and a solution that has left the nation split politically, which is nothing new, but it seems to be split more than ever before. The election brought out the worst in people, as did the virus.

This entire year has taught us all so much about ourselves; how we react to serious problems and to others with different opinions, and how reluctant we are to give up our freedoms.

This entire year has taught us all so much about ourselves; how we react to serious problems and to others with different opinions, and how reluctant we are to give up our freedoms. It has also shown us that despite the successes we enjoy in our personal and business lives, we are fragile, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Another prayer is that this disastrous year makes us stop to consider other people as people, just like you. It’s the one thing we share, right?

Working on a home project recently, my mind wandered to work, as it usually does. I was thinking of a recent series of YouTube videos by Steve Coscia, president of Coscia Communications, a soft skills expert who has become a must-have speaker at many HVACR industry events. Steve had embarked on a westward journey, and provided short, interesting travelogues along the way. Here's a sample. 

During his conference presentations, Steve describes the various ways we communicate to each other and to customers, in ways that can be good or bad. He always shares how much “people” want to be appreciated, rewarded, helped, trained, and thanked. And just like an aware customer service representative speaking with a customer, we all need to back up and think about how we relate to others. No matter what type of front someone might be putting on, all of us, from the tough guy to the meek, have a person inside, who I think really wants to get along with everybody else. Do what you can to reach that person with sincerity and empathy.

In 2021 we will offer more content related to the HVACR distribution side of the business. We will include how contractors and distributors work together, inventory management innovations, developing leaders, loyalty management and more. I URGE any contractor and distributor who feel they work especially well as a team to reach out to me to tell me how you do it. Contact me at [email protected].

Our December magazine offers a special “Thank You” message to John Ehlen, who served Contracting Business as a Midwest sales representative for many years. John was already on board when I joined the CB staff in 2005. I enjoyed knowing and working with John, and I thank him for those times he offered direction, for the many ways he helped grow the publication and of course, how well he served his HVACR manufacturing customers. John was also the publisher of our NATE Magazine, and he sold for CONTRACTOR and HPAC Engineering.

Mary Jo Gentry, director of sales and marketing for Williams Comfort Products, first met John during her previous position with Yellow Jacket. She graciously provided this comment:

"John was a true mentor. In the 10+ years I worked with him, he educated me on many industry nuances, trends and people. He had a true passion for the HVACR industry and for his work. It was always with excitement that he would introduce leading edge marketing innovations for his publications while eagerly inviting me and always convincing me to participate. He was not only a business partner but a friend. Because we are lucky to live in the same city, we shared many evenings solving the world's problems over a good glass of wine. He is a legacy in this space."

I told John I will think of him as I walk the aisles at future events, which I hope will be back soon. 

SPECIAL NOTE: To help HVACR manufacturers find leads that have been diminished due to cancelled events, we are offering a three-month HVACR & Plumbing Video Showcase opportunity, where manufacturers can present their product video messages in a special format. See page 12 for information.

I want to welcome Bill Boyadjis to our sales team. Bill had been with us previously and he has returned. Bill will serve as Associate Publisher of CONTRACTOR, and as Account Manager for the Buildings & Construction Group. 

Happy New Year to all! The decade of the ‘20s officially begins on January 1. I again repeat my request for you contractors to reach out if at any time in 2021 you would like to offer some advice to your peers on any topic related to HVACR business management or technician training. Reach me at [email protected].

About the Author

Terry McIver | Content Director - CB

A career publishing professional, Terence 'Terry' McIver has served three diverse industry publications in varying degrees of responsibility since 1987, and worked in marketing communications for a major U.S. corporation.He joined the staff of Contracting Business magazine in April 2005.

As director of content for Contracting Business, he produces daily content and feature articles for CB's 38,000 print subscribers and many more Internet visitors. He has written hundreds, if not two or three, pieces of news, features and contractor profile articles for CB's audience of quality HVACR contractors. He can also be found covering HVACR industry events or visiting with manufacturers and contractors. He also has significant experience in trade show planning.