The First Word

Monthly editorial by Bob Mader or Terry McIver


What's YOUR History?

March 28, 2024
We want to hear about your early days in business, and how you've made it to today.

Smith: Common Name, Uncommon Man

Dec. 28, 2023
Ron Smith has left a legacy of excellence in HVAC business management. These testimonials only scratch the surface of Ron's armour of excellence.

Thank You, Charlie Greer. Welcome, New Voices

Dec. 1, 2023
The Contracting Business Team of Influencers for 2024 will share "what works" for HVAC businesses.

Cyber Security and the HVACR Contracting Community

March 10, 2014
The Target hack is just one example of cyber thieves riding on HVACR contractor credentials to steal consumer data Contractors take heed: remote monitoring could put you and ...
Where do you stand on Obamacare and it39s impact on your business Please let us know if your health insurance costs have gone up stayed the same or gone down Also we39re interested in the quality of that health carePlease share your thoughts with me here on Facebook or Twitter

Does the Affordable Care Act Save HVAC Contractors Money?

Feb. 11, 2014
Dinner with friends who own their own small business leads me to believe that HVACR contractors are facing increased health care costs instead of the promised lower costs by President...
Contractingbusiness Com Sites Contractingbusiness com Files Uploads 2013 07 Mike Weil130x150

Fourth Quarter Fury in the World of HVACR

Sept. 10, 2013
Healthcare, manufacturing, and consumer spending are just a few of the areas that may make the fourth quarter of 2013 a bumpy ride for HVACR contractors and their employees.

Climate Change Strikes the HVACR Industry Again

July 2, 2013
President Obama's Climate Change plan, announced in late June, will restrict coal-based utilities by forcing them to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. Some say that ...
Contractingbusiness Com Sites Contractingbusiness com Files Uploads 2013 05 Mike Weil130x150

HVAC Comfort: Living With Technology

June 4, 2013
There is a lot of innovation out there, but the key for continued success and growth of HVACR contractors is to not become so enamoured of the new technology itself, but to focus...
Contractingbusiness Com Sites Contractingbusiness com Files Uploads 2013 04 Mcaa Invent

For Union HVAC Contractors: The Truth About "Unfunded Liabilities"

May 1, 2013
The unfunded liability in commercial HVAC is viewed as a debt owed by the contractor, even if the business is healthy and will be in business for decades. If that contractor sells...