The Rant

Bi-monthly column on business management and marketing by Matt Michel, CEO of Service Roundtable



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Is Dynamic Pricing In Your Future?

April 29, 2024
Wendy's recent pricing announcement was not a nefarious plot. Pricing strategies are at work in many sectors of the economy.
John Lund/iStock/GettyImagesPlus
Woman Pilot

Practice Crisis LEADERSHIP

April 14, 2020
Leadership is reaching for the human spirit to generate exceptional performance from ordinary people.
Photo from
Being in the HVAC contracting business spells freedom and wealth

‘I Won’t Recommend HVAC As A Career Industry To My Sons!’

Nov. 14, 2013
Today in the U.S., it seems like the word 'profit' is a four letter word - especially to our government. And that can be frustrating. When you feel like everything is ...
Contractingbusiness Com Sites Contractingbusiness com Files Uploads 2013 07 Mattmichel2010bkgd crop Display png

Mechanical Systems Contractors: Recruit Like A Football Coach

Sept. 8, 2013
In football, recruiting the best, smartest, most talented players is a key job of any coach. Frankly the same is true of any owner/manager of an HVACR contracting firm. So why...

Will Hybrid Owners Buy Solar?

Dec. 5, 2012
Have you ever noticed all of the hybrid vehicles on the streets? From January through September 2012, over 322 thousand hybrids were sold in the U.S. Why do people buy them?

Count Your Blessings

Nov. 21, 2012
This is Thanksgiving week. It’s a time to count your blessings. Write them down. Keep the list handy and pull it out when you feel down and offer a prayer of thanks, naming each...

The Election is Over. Now What?

Nov. 7, 2012
Thankfully, the election is finally over. Americans, it appears, voted for more of the same. We’ve got the same guy in the White House. We’ve got his party in the Senate. We’ve...

109 Things I Learned at Mechanical Systems Week- Part 2

Oct. 14, 2012
In the last Hotmail newsletter, I gave you the first half of the 109 things I learned at Mechanical Systems Week. The week was great… Great for networking. Great for product/service...