David Richardson/NCI
Interior Hvac Diagram
David Richardson/NCI
If you know what to look for, a visual inspection provides clues to unsafe operation. It's never good for one package unit to exhaust into the economizer of an adjacent unit.
National Comfort Institute
Before you jump on the heat pump bashing bandwagon, look at your duct installation practices first.

The Fall, 2009 Classes are Set for Charlie Greer's 4-Day Sales Survival Schools!

Aug. 26, 2009
Come on down and learn how to make more moolah!

• Are you worried about the economic climate?
• Are you or your employees having trouble getting your prospects to make a buying decision?
• Do you want to have a higher average dollar amount per sale?
• Do you want to sell more service agreements and high-end products?
• Are you having difficulty overcoming the "price objection?"
Then you need Charlie Greer's 4-Day Sales Survival School.

What is Charlie Greer's Sales Survival School?

It's four days of intensive sales training for Plumbing, Electrical and HVAC Service Technicians, and HVAC Residential Replacement Salespeople.

There are separate classes for each job description. This school is a lot more than just a bunch of "shows" or seminars. Half the time is spent role-playing with Charlie Greer. Attendees are required to actively participate and are held accountable. There simply is no "hiding" at these schools. Participants have the option of being video-taped during the role-playing. This allows them to see themselves as others see them. That is invaluable! They can take the tape home with them to see the progress they've made in just four days and review what they learned. They also get to spend four days with a dozen other positive-minded people from around the country who are doing the exact same thing they are. A lot of negative-minded people go home with a whole new outlook on their jobs and their lives.

Click here for complete details, including daily agenda, pricing, locations and our oline registration form.

Good salespeople are not BORN...they're MADE! There are three things you have to do to master sales:
1. Practice
2. Practice
3. Practice.

You've heard it said that, "Practice makes perfect." Not so fast. Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. It's good to have an open mind...but be careful what you put into it! Nothing taught in Charlie Greer's Sales Survival School is "theory" or someone's "good idea." All techniques taught in the School are the exact same techniques Charlie Greer uses when running calls.

Three sessions will be held in sunny Fort Myers, Florida:
October 6-9, 2009: HVAC Service Techs
• October 13-16, 2009: HVAC Residential Replacement Salespeople
• November 3-6, 2009: Plumbing & Electrical Service Techs

Class size is limited to a total of 12 participants, providing everyone with Charlie Greer's personal attention. All training is personally conducted by Charlie Greer .

Click here for complete details on the Fort Myers Schools, including daily agenda, hotel arrangements, pricing and our online registration form.

Here's what people are saying about Charlie Greer's Sales Survival School:

If you like Charlie's DVD series ("Tec Daddy's Service Technician Survival School on DVD" ), you'll love his 4-Day Sales Survival School. We had two technicians go and will be sending more. It's definitely worth the money. (R.A.)

I attended your seminar in September, 2007. These past two weeks were my best weeks ever. Over $40,000 in sales as a service tech! Also, we are starting your "Slackers Guide" series at work next week. (K.B.)

Since attending your 4-Day Sales Survival School, I am maintaining above a $9,000.00 average sale. I closed $117,000 in the final week of last month. This month, I have a good start with $141,000 so far with two weeks to go. Just wanted to thank you for offering your knowledge. (J.P.)

Click here to read additional testimonials.

Who is Charlie Greer?
• Plumbing and HVAC Technician
• Award-winning HVAC Salesman
• The HVAC Consultant-of-the-Year
• Recipient of the Service Roundtable Servant Leader Award
• Creator of Tec Daddy's Service Technician Survival School on DVD
• Creator of Slacker's Guide to HVAC Sales on Audio CD
• Monthly column in Contracting Business magazine
Service Roundtable Consult & Coach Partner

Click here to read the Comanche Marketing blog on Charlie Greer, titled "True Character."

Click here to go to Charlie Greer's official website.

Sales skills will be your biggest determining factor in whether or not you survive the recession. It's not too late to make 2009 your biggest year ever! Sales is not about lying, telling jokes or pressuring people. Come to Charlie Greer's 4-Day Sales Survival School and I'll change your mind about sales and make you more successful than you ever dreamed possible! Click here for complete details on Charlie Greer's Sales Survival School, including prices, dates, location, daily agenda, online registration form and additional testimonials.

Charlie Greer:
email: [email protected]
phone: 1-800-963-4822
web: http://www.charliegreer.com