
Have You Noticed Something a Little Different?

Jan. 9, 2013
Welcome to the NEW website. We hope you like it.

Yes, something is different. You might notice some subtle changes to the layout of the Contracting website, but we've actually completely redesigned the site from the back end with a sparkling new content management system. The idea is to make it easier and faster to post new news, features, and products to the site to provide you even more information, faster.

There is even a mobile version now so you can easily view our site on your mobile devices.

You also may notice that the home page is less "busy." Yup -- we simplified it's look, improved its search functionality, and are now using our own commentary system to make it a little easier for you to share your thoughts on a particular news item or feature story. You still need to register to leave comments, but once done, you'll note a commenting field at the end of every story that appears on the site.

We've also made it easier for you share our content via social media and email. So we invite you to spend a little extra time here, "banging around" and testing things out. Tell us what you like. Tell us what you don't like. Tell us what you'd like to see that isn't already there.

You can leave your comments below, or email them to us. You can also Tweet us at @ContractingBiz or drop us a Facebook note. Any way you chose to comunicate with us is awesome.

We look forward to hearing from you.

From the staff of Contracting, we wish all of you a successful, healthy, and fun 2013.