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Don't Be an Energy Turkey!

Nov. 26, 2013
The more freely the air moves in your oven the more efficiently it operates, so don’t cover your oven racks with foil.

There's no meal like a Thanksgiving meal. I might even prefer turkey over a ribeye steak. But whatever your favorite Thanksgiving foods may be, it does make sense to find ways to save energy, considering the kitchen will be going full blast most of the day.

The Alliance to Save Energy has sent some tips to save energy during the cooking, along with best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving.

Ohhh yeaaaahhh.

And, the organization wants you to tweet them with your own energy saving tips and pictures of you saving energy this holiday season:

1. Use the correct size pan for your stove burner. This keeps extra heat from escaping, and burning a hole in your wallet.
2. If you're hosting a large gathering this Thanksgiving, use a cooler stocked with ice to hold drinks. You'll free up space in your refrigerator and prevent cold air from escaping from frequent door openings. This will save you energy and money on your next electric bill.
3. The more freely the air moves in your oven the more efficiently it operates, so don’t cover your oven racks with foil. This saves you both roasting time and money.  
4. Every time you open the oven door while roasting your turkey you lose up to 25 degrees of heat, which costs time and money. Use the oven light to check on the progress of your dinner.

For more tips to have an energy-efficient Thanksgiving check out the Alliance's Blog to Save Energy.